Our films focuses on a group of hackers, I would say this is a social group within society. They talk to each other and ‘work’ with each other therefore I think you could say our films represents hackers. The main group that it shows and represents (which hackers are a part of), is anyone interested in technology or computers.
Within our hacker group we have ‘n00b’ who is the standard stereotypical computer nerd. He is the newest addition to the group and therefore still is nervous about being in this elite group of hackers. He also represents the stereotype of teenage boys in as far as he leaves his clothes around, has drink and food around his room and other disorganised and untidy features that 'Teenage boys' have.
We have our main hacker who is strong clever and authoritative. With our main hacker, we wanted him to have a powerful voice, which is the main reason that we chose Robbie. We wanted him to look older and broader so we gave him the shirt and leather jacket to wear.
We have three females in the group one white, one Chinese and one mixed race (white/black).
Anna's Character would be the youngest in the group. She would also be the most shy of the group and this is represented by the fact that her camera angle is high and from the side and she is effectively trying to avoid eye contact with the camera as though it were a person.
Jeng's character is also like a quiet mastermind. She gets told what to do and does it in the quickest and most efficient way possible. She doesnt really come up with any original material in terms of hacking, but has a huge knowledge of everything that is out there.
Natasha's character is a lot more animated and has a more extroverted personality. her framing is a lot tighter which shows that she likes being in front of the camera and likes the attention. She would not be the best hacker in the group, but when it comes to life skills and real people she would be the most socially able.
We also have two other male Hackers.

Raef's character would be similar to Natasha's character. He would have more skills outside of hacking than the others, but would not be anywhere near as good at hacking as others in the group.
Francis's Character is the younger boy in the group, he would still be living with family and his mum would almost everything for him. He would not be a typical teenager like Nico's and Raef's characters but would be very organised and tidy.
We aimed to show that anyone can be a hacker, there is no one ‘look’ of person that can do this sort of stuff.
This is similarly shown in the film ‘Hackers’ where they all live and work together they range from good looking girls like Angelina Jolie to some very nerdy teenagers in the group.
I am going to focus on our main character in this sequence who is ‘n00b’. We decided to represent the stereotypical computer prodigy, that you tend to think of as a nerd. We gave Nico (our actor) glasses and had him mess his hair up in order to look like he does not bother with his appearance at all because he spends all his time in his room on his computer. We gave him certain gestures such as the way he re-aligns his glasses or the way when he went to drink, it was done in quite an awkward movement with his head pushed forward and shoulders up when he went to drink. We did not want him to be overtly nerdy, otherwise it might have almost become a bit comical in a way that we didn’t want. So we gave him fairly normal clothes to wear; A plain t-shirt, plain Hooded jumper and a pair of jeans.
We wanted him to represent a very large range of people so we made his look fairly generic. Each of the character would make up a character in almost every social group. There always tends to be one of each type of person as too many of the same type of people start to conflict.
Here are all the basic personailty types of which most people fall into

We have three females in the group one white, one Chinese and one mixed race (white/black).

We also have two other male Hackers.

Raef's character would be similar to Natasha's character. He would have more skills outside of hacking than the others, but would not be anywhere near as good at hacking as others in the group.
We aimed to show that anyone can be a hacker, there is no one ‘look’ of person that can do this sort of stuff.
This is similarly shown in the film ‘Hackers’ where they all live and work together they range from good looking girls like Angelina Jolie to some very nerdy teenagers in the group.
I am going to focus on our main character in this sequence who is ‘n00b’. We decided to represent the stereotypical computer prodigy, that you tend to think of as a nerd. We gave Nico (our actor) glasses and had him mess his hair up in order to look like he does not bother with his appearance at all because he spends all his time in his room on his computer. We gave him certain gestures such as the way he re-aligns his glasses or the way when he went to drink, it was done in quite an awkward movement with his head pushed forward and shoulders up when he went to drink. We did not want him to be overtly nerdy, otherwise it might have almost become a bit comical in a way that we didn’t want. So we gave him fairly normal clothes to wear; A plain t-shirt, plain Hooded jumper and a pair of jeans.
We wanted him to represent a very large range of people so we made his look fairly generic. Each of the character would make up a character in almost every social group. There always tends to be one of each type of person as too many of the same type of people start to conflict.
Here are all the basic personailty types of which most people fall into
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