Our opening sequence plays with the audience and teases them in terms of their needs and gratifications. Blumler and Katz said that audiences have needs within films in order to keep them interested. In our sequence we use the enigma codes and action style editing in order to keep the audience on their toes and wondering what is going to happen next. Blumler and Katz also said that the audience gets gratification for certain things within films, such as when they see something that the character in the film may not have spotted, which come into play later, the audience feels good about themselves as they have observed an important part of the film, which someone else (the film character) missed.
The last shot of our piece plays around with fear as the audience do not know whether the knocking is another ‘agent’ type person come to attack ‘n00b’ or whether it is just a friend that wants to visit. It should also give the audience a little bit of a shock as it does to ‘n00b’ because they have been so plugged in and involved with what has been going on that you forget where you are in space and time, so when that reality is suddenly brought back, it can create a shock.
Our techniques in order to attract our audience just to the screening obviously worked as in one room we had about 45 people. We gave out questionaires which the audience could then fill in. We asked questions about our film to see if people could identify characters for example. We also asked more general questions like what they thinked worked well and what could have been done better.
On the left you can see someone that absolutely loved our sequence and had no negative feedback.
On the right you can see someone who liked our film but had a few very fair critisisms.
On the left you can see someone that absolutely loved our sequence and had no negative feedback.
On the right you can see someone who liked our film but had a few very fair critisisms.
We have, within our sequence, continuity as our sequence is happening in real time, we also gave the editing of the hacking part a montage feel in order to make it seem like more of an action than just typing. We used a technique to suspend disbelief in which we give the audience enough time to see everything within our sequence without having to watch it again, but we do not give them time to think about it until after the sequence is over, so that if the whole film where to be made they will be asking all these questions in their head and the parts of the film that come next will slowly answer those questions. Also by not giving the audience time to contemplate too much we again keep them guessing and that make them feel more like they are there within the hacking and hopefully forget they are sitting in a cinema.
Our main attraction for the audiece is a voyeuristic attraction. It is the pleasure of watching these unheard of and unseen technologically glamorous socialites. In the same way that one film may show the lifestyle of being the richest and most innovative person in the militant weapon industry ie Tony Stark in Ironman. Our film shows the lifestyle of a Hacker.
We also had a preview at school which we marketed with posters and on facebook:
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